
It's Ok to Cry


Some days I get really sad. Like, Eyore sad; functional and revelling in it. I throw on some Coldplay or Daughter and just have at it. If it's a really bad day, a soundtrack from The O.C. (usually season 2) will score my wailing and weeping. Whether I'm angry at myself or someone else, the situation consumes me. Many acquaintances may read this in shock because I'm naturally a very happy and energetic person when I'm around others. I feed off of their energy and give a lot of my own then I retreat, tired and a bit drained.

All pictures by Bratty B

This post isn't about how to get happy, or peppy when you're knee deep in your tears. Instead, it's about feeling those emotions so that they'll eventually soften into a dull ache that will eventually fade.I learned that it's better to sob yourself to sleep at 3 am in the morning than pretend everything is ok.  When people don't allow themselves to go through the grieving process or feel sad, they get stuck. Anxious about something triggering them into feeling those emotions or remembering whatever situation that caused their grief.


Wearing: Ecco Soft 7 Slip on shoes, Tyler Madison culottes, Uniqlo turtleneck, Rudsak umbrella, Calvin Klein Stockings


Someone close to me told me that her mum taught her not to cry. Her emotional constipation left her unable to empathize with others. Her 'suck it up' and 'you're too sensitive' mentality drove a wedge in our relationship, and I confronted her on it. Don't get me wrong; I'm not a constant cry baby. But if I feel something in my heart I'll speak up or react, especially with someone who understands why I feel sensitive towards something.


Whether it's bawling at a movie or crying while confronting a fairweather friend I let them flow, and that's ok. Because the next day, or a few days later I can let it go and move on.

Do you feel you're able to let go? Or do you bottle it all up? Let me know in the comments below.

What I got for $125 at Uniqlo Canada


Uniqlo is finally in Canada.

Photocredit: Ryan Emberley


Photocredit: Ryan Emberley

I attended the Canadian preview event this summer and was impressed with the collection of essential basics in an array of colours. I was super excited when I got the invite to the store opening so I could finally see the space (and shop away).

Like other Japanese franchises, (ie. Muji) Uniqlo is a store of essentials and convenience. When I walked into the press preview I was greeted with sake and a $125 gift card. As I strolled about I understood why members of the public lined up at 4am the next day to get their fill of the store.

Kinda went crazy tonight @UniqloCanada! Check it out tomorrow to snag some deals #UNIQLOCanadapic.twitter.com/B6u85lnAEw

— ELAISHA JADE (@ElaishaJade) September 30, 2016

After taking a gander and making some painful decisions, here's what I left the cash register with!

Thanks for watching and reading! Have you been to the new Uniqlo store yet?