Travel Tip

Get in the Driver's Seat | 21 Road Trip Essentials


Last week on a road trip, I was put to the test of getting in the driver's seat. Those of you who know I don't have my drivers licence, don't panic! I'm talking about the driver's seat of my life. Keep reading to find out how...

On my 7-day East Coast adventure, I received some tough news. I had to decide in that moment if I was going to be a passenger in my own life or if I was going to fight my way into the driver's seat. Should I just give up and fall back into habits I was working out of from last year? Or should I follow the advice I would give a friend, "Take control. It's your life."

I decided to work to drive my own destiny. To turn the steering wheel until I was off the road I was on and onto uncharted territory. I stayed up that night and drafted a business plan I had been thinking of for a while, but felt too comfortable to reach for. It's scary going after what you deserve, but it also feels right. It's bumpy and the path isn't smooth or clear. But I think I'll be alright. As the inspirational Oprah once said, "You want to be in the driver's seat of your own life because if you are not, life will drive you."

My fellow travel writer Caleigh Alleyene and I packed everything we needed for a week into an RV and hit the road. Road trips are gross and tiring. They take a lot of planning and a good sense of humour to get through. While you wait for my guides on New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, here are some essentials I wish I had or that that kept me sane during our drive.


Travelling while on your period: a How to Guide + Essentials


Getting your period while travelling doesn’t have to suck. I’ve learned that the best way to deal with my period is to prepare. While I’m known to sweat in writhing pain, my friend Taylor usually doesn’t get any cramps and can go about her day. Everyone's period varies. reading for what’s worked for me when I got my period while abroad.

Do Your Research

Pads are more popular in China. Many videos and blog posts about warned me that if I wanted to use tampons while there I would pay a premium. So I was sure to pack as many tampons as I needed for my trip (like this

travel pack from Kotex

). Find out if you’re visiting a place where the product you prefer to use isn’t popular or if you’ll have access to a drug store. then load up your luggage with the supplies you need. Your next trip is could be enough incentive to try a

Diva Cu

p. Should I try it out and give you a review? Let me know in the comments.

There’s an App for That

Gone are the days when you have to use paper and a chart to track your period! Download a period tracker app way before your travels. You can use this app to track when your period and ovulation are on the way. It averages out how many days it takes for your period to come based on your body, not only the average 28-day cycle. That way you can check in advance to know whether you’ll even get your period while abroad and you can prepare if so.

Take Inventory

Keep track of how many tampons you use, pain killers you pop or how often you change your

diva cup

in a day. It’s easy to forget that you’re shedding a part of your body if your luggage goes missing or your flight gets delayed. Try to set a timer on your phone and bring enough product in your carry on or in a bag or pocket you can access at any time.

Know your Body

I get bodied by my period on the first day. I’ve felt like a vicious round of mortal combat was taking place in my abdomen. Know your symptoms and your limits. If you feel the red death approaching, try switching up your plans. Why fight through a 20k hike? Try visiting a museum or a decadent restaurant (where there are washrooms close at hand) that day.

Talk About It

Travelling with friends? Especially friends who don’t get a period? If you need a break or if you feel that you can’t do certain activities that day, then talk about it if you feel comfortable. I spoke up when I got my period when travelling with some friends. I told them why I wasn't down with certain excursions. We worked around it that day then got back to it for the rest of the week.

Get Comfy

One of the ways I get through my period while abroad is to bring familiar foods and media to make it through. I take the day off and binge watch something on Netflix with chocolate (mmm

Brookside is the best

). Pack and rock your period clothes (I avoid jeans and stick to leggings and loose tops to deal with mild bloating). Make sure they're appropriate for the weather at your destination.

Period pantie

s are also a must for me since I’m usually active when travelling and I can’t run the risk of leaking.

Have you gotten your period while abroad? Let me know in the comments how you dealt with it and if I missed any advice. 

30 of the Best Travel Quotes


Travelling can be taxing, difficult and tiring. In spite of the cost, regardless of resources and no matter where life takes me, I will always revere travel. Travelling has taught me so much about myself and the world around me and I never want to take that for granted.

Here are 30 travel quotes sure to inspire you to get out there to see the world.


1. β€œWe travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

2. β€œThe journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ― Lao Tzu

3. β€œI travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.” ― Robert Louis Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes

4. β€œIt is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness

5. β€œTravel brings power and love back into your life.” ― Jalaluddin Rumi

6. β€œThe traveller sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see.” ― G.K. Chesterton


7. β€œTravel far enough, you meet yourself.” ― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

8. β€œI read; I travel; I become” ― Derek Walcott

9. β€œTravel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” ― Gustave Flaubert

10. β€œI think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there.” ― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

11. β€œEverything I was I carry with me, everything I will be lies waiting on the road ahead.” ― Ma Jian, Red Dust: A Path Through China

12. β€œAdventure is worthwhile.” – Aesop


13. β€œTo travel is to live.” ― Hans Christian Andersen, The Fairy Tale of My Life: An Autobiography

14. β€œTravelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” ― Ibn Battuta

15. β€œNever did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without travelling.” ― Roman Payne, The Wanderess

16. β€œThere are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign.” ― Robert Louis Stevenson, The Silverado Squatters by Robert Louis Stevenson, Fiction, Historical, Literary

17. β€œIf you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and avoid the people, you might better stay home.” ― James A. Michener

18.β€œSome beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost.” ― Erol Ozan


19.β€œOne's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” ― Henry Miller

20.β€œThe world is a book, and those who don't travel only read one page.” ― Augustine of Hippo

21. β€œTravel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” ― Mark Twain

22. "I will never lose the love for the arriving, but I'm born to leave.” ― Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles; in search for The Great Perhaps

23. β€œThere is a kind of magicness about going far away and then coming back all changed.” ― Kate Douglas Wiggin, New Chronicles of Rebecca Douglas Wiggin, New Chronicles of Rebecca

24. β€œTravel is glamorous only in retrospect.” ― Paul Theroux


25.β€œThe journey itself is my home.” ― Bashō Matsuo

26. β€œA journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” ― Tim Cahill

27. β€œThe world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” ― Augustine of Hippo

28. β€œI think one travels more usefully when they travel alone, because they reflect more." (Letter to John Banister, Jr., June 19, 1787)” ― Thomas Jefferson,

29. β€œTravel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”― Anonymous

30. β€œJust go!” ― Elaisha Jade


Did I miss any of your favourite quotes? Share one with me below in the comments.

10 Travel Mistake's I've Made (and How to Avoid Them)


Travel can be exhilarating, exciting...and a nightmare. I've learned that anything that can go wrong when travelling or leading up to a trip will go wrong. Here are 10 travel mistakes I've made and how I learned from them.

1. Not Bringing a Pen The number of times I've had to ask a flight attendant or fellow passenger for a pen shouldn't be as high. I remember breaking into a sweat when the immigration forms were handed out on my way from New York and London and I couldn't fill them out. Also, germs travel on items touched by several people (ie. a PEN!) so bring your own and save yourself the hassle.

2. Not getting a cell phone plan If you have the financial means to get a cell phone plan, do it! To some, buying a cell phone plan for a vacation seems frivolous but when travelling alone and as a woman, it's been worth it for me. I'm happy I have an unlocked phone that I can use internationally and switch up my SIM card as needed.

3. Not learning basic phrases/language skills I definitely got by in Montreal and Paris with my rusty French and made a whole lot of hand gestures in Spain, but I really should have studied my destination's mother languages a bit more. The joy of learning a new language is only surpassed by using it with local people. This also gives you the flexibility to explore unbeaten paths without the anxiety of getting stuck (especially without Google translate or maps available).

4. Not Setting Aside more Time I'm breaking the habit of procrastination. The addictive habitual state of putting-off travel things until the last minute (reviewing my itinerary, packing, re-packing, buying important items) is something I'm definitely guilty of. Or doing my hair last minute (not a good idea with natural hair). The worst consequence of procrastinating was overpacking. Thankfully I haven't faced any additional baggage fees as a result of overpacking, but I was definitely angry at myself when traipsing across London (where there were minimal elevators and escalators on the tube) with my stuffed suitcase, carry-on bag and backpack.

5. Not Exploring Enough I don't know about you, but there is only so much roasting on the beach I can do. My mum (my long-time travel partner) isn't a big excursion fan. However, after taking trips that weren't on all inclusive resorts (that baby you into not needing to leave the hotel grounds) I learned how to really vacation outside of the box. Make sure you pick a location where public transportation is accessible then get on out there! I had a great time doing this in Barbados and Barcelona. I wish I had done more research on Scotland, I would have definitely explored some more. 

6. Not Raiding the Duty-Free Before my return to Europe last year, I usually hustled past the duty-free to grab a good seat before boarding my flight. However, I purchased some cute things (like my favourite Ted Baker wallet) in the duty-free at Heathrow. I am now a sworn duty-free advocate (just make sure you check how much money and goods you're allowed to bring back into your country)

7. Not getting Good Souvenirs I am a very nostalgic person. Collecting souvenirs has never been on my priority list (probably because I've overpacked way too many times) and because I didn't do enough 'keepsake research'. Looking up what kind of art or products a particular place is famous for (ie. Barcelona and their bomb custom espadrilles) would allow for purchasing worthwhile keepsakes.

8. Not Getting Travel Insurance My trip to China will be my first time purchasing travel insurance! Wild right? After all of the research I've done on travel insurance and knowing how much it would benefit my loved ones, I realized just how crucial it is.

9. Not Printing Off my Documents China is another land of firsts for me. For the first time, I have printed off my travel documents (Visa, travel itinerary and copies of my passport) to carry with me while I explore and leave where I'm staying. This is literally travellers 101: have copies of your documentation.

10. Not bringing enough money Once again with my last minute self, I've gone on trips and vacations without really considering how much money I should bring/setting a budget. There were times I had the opportunity to go on a shopping spree in some fashionable cities (Paris and London) and I wish that I had set more money aside for those trips to ball out a bit.

Have you made any travel mistakes? Share them with me below so we can learn together.


6 Mother's Day Gifts for the Travelling Mama


My mum was my first travel buddy. She passed her wanderlust gene over to me when we flew to New York for the first time together. At 7 I rolled my Mini-Mouse carry on suitcase up the ramp and held her hand as my stomach did cartwheels at takeoff. Here are all of the things I know she'd love for Mother's Day!


Airplane Necklace For the woman who inspired me to travel, I would want her to bring a piece to remind her of all the fun times we've had travelling together.

Ecco Shoes Comfy shoes are essential for travelling. These are definitely my mum's style and I'd love to see her face when opening it.

Lancome Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate Beauty gurus and skin experts all agree that air travel is taxing on the skin. This product will rejuvenate and add needed glow to your mum's skin. Lancome's products are expensive, but your mum is worth it, right?

TUMI Alpha 2: 4 Wheeled Expandable International Carry-On Frequent travellers eventually whittle their luggage down to only a carry-on. Get your mum the Ferrari of carry-ons; a TUMI.

Cabeau Evolution Neck Pillow This is my favourite travel pillow. I've tried several and I've tried no pillow at all. When I'm not flying first class/priority, this baby keeps my neck in place when my head starts rolling from fatigue.

Fjallraven Kanken Daypack I added this to do list because thinking of my mum in a backpack is the cutest! I favour a backpack as my 'personal' item.

Do you have a travelling memory with your mum? Share with me below. 

#FitFam: 5 Ways to Stay Fit for Travellers


After I had got back from Vegas, I was thrown into a new job and didn't take the time to focus on myself. I got comfy in my oversized sweaters and leggings and didn't realize that they were getting a bit tight! Then before I knew it, I was away the next weekend in Blue Mountain after Vegas then on a 3-week trip to Europe in the summer. I put together a little plan to make sure I can be fit and feel comfortable in my skin, no matter where I am.

I joined a Gym

While I've had steady results working out at home, seeing money leave my bank account is motivation enough to ensure that I get my butt moving before I leave on a trip and after I return. No matter how good I feel that I look, I'll ensure that I head out to the gym and put in work. Plus I love working out in classes! I've taken some of the moves that I've learned in those classes and personal training sessions and modified them for hotel room and hotel gym workouts.


I Surrounded Myself with Inspiration

From the people I hang around to the body-positive Instagram accounts I follow, I try to surround myself with fitness inspiration every day. Jetsetter, Iskra Lawrence is one of my faves to follow on Snapchat and Instagram. From city to city, the Australian model works hard, trains hard and looks amazing while doing it all. Another is Canadian Running magazine cover model (and one of my faves), Sasha Exeter. The frequent traveller's body is ridiculous (she looks even better in person), and I love watching her fitness journey and Snapchat adventures online.


I Made Fitness Part of my Adventure

From hiking across Ben Nevis in Scotland to walking over 10k in a day in Barcelona and New York, I try to incorporate some activity into my day when travelling. I can count only a handful of times that I've hopped in a taxi or Uber while away. I prefer to see and explore cities by foot and public transport. When stuck in a car most of the time in Scotland (while eating everything that came in my path deep fried...) I made it a point to find hiking spots along the way.

I Got out of My Comfort Zone

While I'm still a bit shy about walking right up to the squat rack to do some damage at the gym, I've tried to do things that make me feel uncomfortable. First thing: kickboxing. Oh my gosh, that class kicked my butt! And I felt super uncomfortable walking into it and punching the bag...let alone the warm up. But I did it! And while I haven't returned (yet) I know that literally anything is possible if I could survive that class. So next time I feel uncomfortable jogging across the shoreline in Cancun or hitting the hotel gym, I know I'll be able to move past that emotion and just do it.


I loved My Body

I'm not getting fit because I hate my body, I'm getting fit because I love it! Maybe someday I'll get into some of the body issues I faced growing up, but for now, I just want to encourage you to find one thing to love about yourself. Then slowly you'll see the list growing until self-love just engulfs you.

How to do you keep fit while you're travelling? Let me know in the comments below!

Canada's Wonderland Essentials

Last week Taylor and I braved the rain and visited Canada's Wonderland. Whenever I travel I love to visit different conservation and amusement parks. Attending Canada's Wonderland is one of the ultimate Canadian rites of passage. Read below for my amusement park day essentials.

1. French Connection-Baseball Cap: Even though I had to take it off on rides a baseball cap is needed to protect my face from the sun...and to hide my wind blown hair. My hat came in handy to keep my makeup intact when the torrential downpour started. Taylor went hatless and wasn't as lucky.

2. L'oreal-Sublime Sun Quick Dry SPF 50 Sheer Finish SprayI am all about sun protection and I annoy my friends about wearing sunscreen all the time. L'Oreal was nice enough to send along their spray on sunscreen for me to try out and I couldn't have been happier with the results. Even with the sun hiding for most of the day I was sure to spray on my sunscreen to protect me from the elements. I can't wait to use it on my upcoming trip!

3. New Balance-Fresh Foam ZanteComfort is key for a day of walking. While this design is made for intense running I slipped on my Fresh Foam Zantes for my Canada's Wonderland day. They were extremely comfortable and I was able to lace them up tight for rides where my feet would be dangling.

4. Obus Forme-30L BackpackA backpack is definitely essential for a full day out at the park, especially if you haven't driven to the park or if you have no in-and-out privileges. I've been wearing Obus Forme's ergonomically sound designs for years. While my durable backpack is out of stock I've linked this similar one for you to check out.

5. Forever 21-Mirrored Matte Wayfarer Sunglasses:My eyes are a bit sensitive to the sun (I've got crow's feet to prove it) so I bring sunglasses with me everywhere. This pair from Forever 21 is adorable and cheap (in case of loss or damage while moving from ride-to-ride)

6. Nakd-Berry Delight Bar:I received a box of Nakd bars a while back at a press preview and I haven't stopped eating them since. My favourite flavour is the Berry Delight bar. Unfortunately that's also the favourite of my friends when they come over...and steal them.

7. My Tagalongs Waist Band: I rock this baby at airports, on runs and now at Wonderland. It's perfect for holding all of my cards and fits my cellphone perfectly. That way I don't have to leave my most valuable items in the cubby holes I can bring them along with me for the ride.

A photo posted by Elaisha (@elaishajade) on Jun 25, 2015 at 3:46pm PDT

Watch my adventure to Canada's Wonderland below!